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How does money sink in the stock market? Why do people suffer more

The stock market is a very good place to invest money, but people indulge in greed and unconsciously yell at actions.

How does money sink in the stock market? Why do people suffer more

Today, only 1% of people are successful in the stock market, the main reason for this is that every investor trader tries to get the maximum profit from day one

 He starts trading for investment without any knowledge. Look at the stop price and bet on seeing it, so you are sure to lose The stock market is a very good place to invest money, but people indulge in greed and unconsciously yell at actions.

1. The fastest money is lost in futures and options trading. Their lots are very large, costing two to four lakh rupees, that is, there is nothing less than that. If five percent of the damage occurred,.

 2. A friend bought the part of a global count that went down from eight hundred to seven. After a while he reached six hundred and bought more. 

 3. A cheap action is taken in the hope that it will become expensive like other similar actions. It was cheap because it did not do well as an expensive stock. It does not grow and it does not grow.

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