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Olivia Wilde bares her tits in support of Florence Pughe

Olivia Wilde bares her tits in support of Florence Pughe Olivia Wilde shaves one of her breasts in support of Florence Pugh and the Free the Nipple
Olivia Wilde bares her tits in support of Florence Pughe
Images Credit : Wikipedia 

  • Olivia Wilde bares her tits in support of Florence Pughe Olivia Wilde shaves one of her breasts in support of Florence Pugh and the Free the Nipple movement.

No matter how high tensions were on the set of Don't Worry Darling, the media kept coming for Olivia Wilde and Florence Pugh. But following Pugh's recent stance on the Save the Nipple movement, in which the Black Widow star shared a revealing photo of herself to make a statement, 

Wilde is doing the same, with a bare-chested photo of himself on the Elle cover. exchange. Posting the picture of her, which you can see above, on her Instagram account, the actress-turned-director proudly shows off in a black one-shoulder dress, revealing her breasts and nipples, the latter in heart shape.

The Free Nipple campaign began long before Olivia Wilde and Florence Pugh's statements, way back in 2012 when filmmaker Lena Esco started talking about how women should have the same rights as men when it comes to going topless. Esco designed a movie around the idea, and soon stars like Miley Cyrus, Chelsea Handler and Chrissy Teigen rallied around and shared photos of her on social media to support the director's move. The film was eventually picked up by IFC and released in theaters in 2014, with the idea behind it today.

As for Olivia Wilde and Florence Pugh's potential personal drama, rumors have swirled that it didn't look like that on the set of Wilde's acclaimed film Don't Worry Darling. The main thing was that Pugh was paid much less than her co-star Harry Styles, with whom Wilde was romantically involved during the filming of the film. 

While the two women have since indicated their relationship was cordial, the tabloids accepted the fact that Pugh was absent for most of the press conference, instead spending her time preparing and filming Dune: Part Two. which currently has cameras rolling.

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And then, of course, there was the spitting incident. As if Olivia Wilde couldn't catch a breath between drama claims with her and her stars Florence Pugh and Shia LaBeouf, her two main leads Harry Styles and Chris Pine seemed to be at the center of a new Don't Worry darling. In Conspiracy Month at the film's premiere in September, it appeared that while Styles was sitting down, he spilled some slime on his co-star, causing even more of a stir in the papers.

But, as they say, lack of press is bad press, Olivia Wilde's Don't Worry Darling has proven to be a box office hit. The film hit theaters in late September and has so far grossed $70.8 million against its $35 million budget. And with their latest stand to release nipples together, it looks like Olivia Wilde and Florence Pugh really don't have any hard feelings.

Outside of any potential tension between Olivia Wilde and Florence Pugh, there was definitely one person who caused some trouble on the set of Don't Worry Darling: Shia LaBeouf. The actor was initially cast in the lead male role, but would soon be replaced due to alleged conflicts with Wilde and other cast and crew members. While Wilde says he left her out of the movie, the Honey Boy star says she left, drawing media attention to the feature for the wrong reasons.

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