New no grass config pubg mobile new update
By using this Pak file, you will be able to find the opponent very easily. And maybe have chicken for dinner all the time.Some players cannot play fully and cannot find an opponent easily, so they use this culinary file by which they can easily find the opponent.
- Pubg mobile no grass file download 2021
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But if an enemy dies sleeping on the grass, you may not be able to see or you will think the man is a celebrity, let's take me, just read this article in its entirety.
Where do you want to save this file?
After downloading the file, just go to your internal storage and unzip or extract the file, you will get a Pak file. Now copy / cut the file in the folder below
NOTICE Paste the file here KR + GL .
Android /data/com.pubg.imobile/Files/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra /ShadowTrackerAdditional/Save/Packs
[1] -Anti Bain: - Friends, this configuration file will not create your account, but this test is illegal in the game, so you should test it carefully.
[2] -Easy Kill: - Yes, friends, you will kill very comfortably because it will remove the grass or you will see dinner very comfortably.
[3] - No span: - After downloading the config file, when you use it, your span will be fixed because it is also hard-coded for ISK and lag fix, which makes lug fx.
[4] - Anime Spot Easy: - You can watch the anime very comfortably, this is the best benefit for you Kher, see how to do it or you can also watch the video for more information.
आपको 1 Steps पूरे करने होंगे तब जाकर आप डाउनलोड कर पाएंगेYou have to complete 1 steps then you will be able to download
PUBG Mobile India1.4.0 90FPS Config File1.4 No Trees + No Grass Config Download
Pubg Mobile No Trees No Grass Config File 2021 Download