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CISCE writes to all CMs for permission to reopen schools from Jan 4

CISCE, which conducts the ICSE and ISC exams, has written to CMs in all states and UT to obtain permission to reopen schools beginning January 4

CISCE, which conducts the ICSE and ISC exams, has written to CMs in all states and UT to obtain permission to reopen schools beginning January 4 with all safety guidelines in place.


CISCE has written to the chief ministers of every state and union territory to obtain permission to reopen schools.

She has also written to the Chief Elections Commissioner, requesting state election dates in 2021, to finalize the board's exam dates.

Said if schools can reopen,

all safety guidelines would be followed.

CISCE, which conducts the ISC and ICSE board examinations, has written to the chief ministers of all states and territories in the union asking for permission to partially reopen schools beginning January 4 for students from Board exams for classes 10 and 12 can participate in project work, practical work, SUPW and clarification sessions.

The Council for School Certification Examinations of Indian Schools (CISCE) said in a statement that in the event the schools were able to reopen, they would follow all safety guidelines and standard operating procedures prescribed by the government.

Requested election dates

CISCE also asked the Chief Elections Commissioner of India for the dates for the state elections to be held in April-May 2021 so that CISCE can finalize the dates of the ICSE 2021 board examination and the ISC 2021 board examination, the commission said in its official statement.

“CISCE has also requested the Chief Elections Commissioner of India to share the dates of the elections of the states that must have their elections in the month of April-May 2021

This will allow CISCE to finalize the 2021 ICSE-Class X ISC Class XII exam schedules and ensure that there are no date conflicts, exam interruptions or any inconvenience that candidates taking these exams may new 2020 problem face

Schools closed since March

Schools across India affiliated with CBSE, CISCE, or state boards have been closed since March 2020 due to the pandemic and the Covid-19 shutdown.

Classes continued online, offline or in combined mode despite the closure, CISCE said the CISCE, which conducts the ICSE and ISC exams, has written to the CMS of all states and UT to obtain permission to reopen the schools as of January 4 with all current security guidelines. (Photo: Reuters)

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