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Delta launches contact tracing system in United States

Delta is partnering new virus with the Centers for Disease Control Covid-19 new and Prevention to keep international customers informed

Delta is partnering new virus with the Centers for Disease Control 

Covid-19 new and Prevention to keep international customers informed of new real Covid-19 2020 potential exposure to Covid-19 save through contact tracing.

Together with nine partner airlines new COVID 2020 real virus globally, the airline is working with government agencies, health officials and aviation Save to Pepole authorities to offer safer travel at all points of the new journey.

Beginning December 15, Delta will become the first United States-based airline to require customers traveling to the country from an international location to voluntarily provide five pieces of information to assist in contact tracing and follow-up efforts. public health.

These include full new name, email, and address real to face in the United States, as well as 2020 new two phone numbers.

COVID 19 real bad virus minimizing the risk of Covid-19  transmission, and Save Ppole to india contact tracing adds a more 

Covid-19 real important layer to our efforts to ensure safety while traveling." Bill Lentsch said. 

Covid-19 2020 new Director of Customer Experience for Delta.

Delta  2020 and this new voluntary  to Delta will become both Covid-19 2020 customers and employees

Under the new process, Covid-19 2020 customers and employees Delta is working with the CDC to streamline contact tracing efforts by real 2020 directly and securely transmitting the five Covid requested customer data points.

This will give the CDC access to data in moments, dramatically reducing the time it takes to notify affected clients through local health departments.

By connecting with customers more quickly Covid-19 and providing public health follow-up, health authorities can help reduce potential exposure and realy top slow the spread of the virus.

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