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Today the world's first double-stack long-aisle container train will be revealed, PM Modi will show the green signal

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi Western Dedicated Freight Corridor (WDFC) will inaugurate the 306 km-long New Rewari-New Madaar section

Today the world's first double-stack long-aisle container train will be revealed, PM Modi will show the green signal

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi Western Dedicated Freight Corridor (WDFC) will inaugurate the 306 km-long New Rewari-New Madaar section of the  via video conference on Thursday. On this occasion, the Prime Minister will point out the world's first double-decker container train to run on electricity. 

This train will depart for New Attlee-New Kishanganj. PM Modi gave information about this show through a tweet on Wednesday. The Governor of Rajasthan and Haryana and the Chief Minister and Minister of Railways, Piyush Goyal, will be present at this virtual program.

 The prime minister has said in his tweet that the government's priority for the country's development is to develop a new generation structure. . This will improve connectivity, benefiting the local industry.

 This corridor will be used exclusively for freight trains.

 Freight trains will run at a maximum speed of 100 km per hour on this route.

 This will increase the logistics structure of the area and the size and number of freights.

 This corridor will connect the Maldi Modal logistics centers and the Delhi-Mumbai industrial corridor with North India.

 In another tweet, the prime minister said: "The world's first long-distance double-stack container train, which will be electrified, This will ensure the prosperity of the people along with beneficial economic activities."

 First time in india

 This will be the first time in the country when a heavy aisle train with an axle load of 25 tons will be operational.

 The wagons on this freight train will carry four times the capacity of the existing wagons.

 Transportation costs will be reduced by having more weight capacity in each compartment.

 With this train, the merchandise will be delivered to the ports in a fixed time and from there, the merchandise can be extracted quickly.

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