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MIUI Updater just got updated with MIUI 14 Check! MIUI Updater got MIUI 14 check support with the new latest update

MIUI Updater just got updated with MIUI 14 Check! MIUI Updater got MIUI 14 check support with the new latest update


MIUI Updater got MIUI 14 check support with the new latest update

As Xiaomi releases newer versions on and on, users always wonder if their device will get the update. We already made the MIUI Updater app for that in past, and now with the leaks of MIUI 14, we updated the app to check for MIUI 14 support as well along with old features.

MIUI is a custom version of Android that comes on Xiaomi phones. It is based on Google’s Android operating system and provides a lot of useful features. The latest version is MIUI 13, which was released in 2021. Users can update their miui to the latest version by downloading an update from updater that is in the settings page of MIUI.

A new update to MIUI brings a new look and feel to the user interface. It merges the old UI with a fresh new feel. It also introduces some minor design changes like rounded corners, white spaces and lighter colors on certain elements of the UI

from Xiaomi’s servers. However, you must have a stable internet connection and a compatible phone to perform the update process. Though, MIUI Updater also has an inbuilt option for it along with a detailed guide on how to install it.

now the app just got a new feature called MIUI 14 check.

All you need to do is open the app, and it will directly show you the state about if your device will get MIUI 14 or not.


You can get the app on here which is the latest version and contains the new MIUI 14 check, and therefore can check it for your device.

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