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NEW NFS MIUI 11/12/13 Based Theme with Dark Mode for Xiaomi Redmi Devices

NEW NFS MIUI 11/12/13 Based Theme with Dark Mode for Xiaomi Redmi Devices

Hello MIUI Fans,

 MIUI is the most popular Android skin when it comes to customization where you can personalize your device in your own way. Today we are going to share an amazing MIUI 13 Theme for MIUI 12 with you that will make your Xiaomi Redmi device look more beautiful than ever.

Best MIUI 13 Themes 2022 is an attractive theme for your Xiaomi Redmi device. This MIUI 12 Theme for MIUI 11 will give you a pleasing look, a clean and decent layout, a completely revamped UI, and more cool features to explore. The icons are amazing, the notification panel looks beautiful with a completely new status bar, Settings look better and other NFS MIUI 11/12/13 Based Theme apps like Phone, Messages, File manager, Contacts and Volume panels have a similar layout which makes this theme more premium. This Redmi theme is completely free to use and you can easily download it on your Xiaomi or Redmi device with the official Theme Store Link.

The NFS is a fully compatible NFS Line X MIUI 12/12.5 Theme and MIUI 12.5 theme that works just awesome on all Xiaomi Redmi and Poco devices. This Mi theme will blow your mind with its glance, characteristics, and premium design. If you are looking for Best MIUI 13 Themes 2022 that can give your device a totally refreshing new look and enhance the overall layout, then The NFS is the perfect choice for you. It’s an ideal mix of colors and consistency and probably you may find it one of the best MIUI themes for your regular use.

Theme Preview NFS Line X MIUI 12/12.5/13 Theme

The NFS MIUI Theme

The NFS MIUI Theme

The NFS MIUI Theme

Compatible with MIUI 12/12.5 | MIUI 13
Designed by Ritik Sharma
Theme Size: 18.7 MB

Download Links MIUI 13 Theme for MIUI 12:

Note: Please turn on Dark Mode and Restart your device to enjoy this theme.


The NFS MIUI Theme MTZ file

If you love trying new themes on your device and want a different look over your regular UI, then just download The NFS MIUI theme on your Xiaomi Redmi devices running MIUI 12, MIUI 12.5 or MIUI 13 with the official MIUI Theme Store link.

How to Apply MIUI Themes to Global Stable ROMs -

If your device is running MIUI Global Stable ROM, generally called Stock ROM, then please follow this procedure to install the theme.
  1. In the Download Links section, you will see "OFFICIAL THEME STORE LINK", tap on that.
  2. You will be prompt with the option to open the link.
  3. Select the "Themes" app to open the link.
  4. You will be now redirected to the Theme Store to download the theme.
  5. Now download the theme and apply it.
Note: If the "Official Theme Store Link" does not work then please open this page in Chrome Browser and try again. Clear your browser cache and browser data if still does not work.

How to Apply MIUI Themes on Custom ROMs -

If you are using any MIUI 11, MIUI 12, MIUI 12.5 or MIUI 13 based custom ROM like Xiaomi EU ROM, MIUIRoom, etc, then you can easily install any MIUI MTZ theme on your Xiaomi Redmi Phones. Best MIUI 13 Themes 2022 Just follow this simple procedure -

  1. Download the MTZ theme file of the theme.
  2. Open the Theme Store app.
  3. Select the Themes option.
  4. Scroll down and you will see the option Import. Click on it.
  5. Select the file manager and locate the .mtz file.
  6. Wait until it imports the theme and then the theme will appear there.
  7. Now click on theme to apply it.

How to apply MIUI Themes with MIUI Theme Kit -

  1. Download the MTZ file of the theme.
  2. Download MIUI Theme Kit apk.
  3. Install the apk file.
  4. Open the app.
  5. The App is in Chinese, so follow the below steps.
  6. Select the Second option to browse the MTZ file and then choose your MTZ theme file.
  7. Now tap on the Blue button to install the theme.
  8. The theme will be applied to your device.
Note: Restart your device after applying the theme in case anything is overlapping or not visible properly. This theme has been tested and it's working perfectly without any issue.

I hope you enjoyed this beautiful NFS MIUI 11/12/13 Based Theme theme on your Xiaomi Redmi Phone.

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