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Dude Theft Wars Cheats Unlimited Health

Dude Theft Wars Cheats Unlimited Health
Dude Theft Wars Cheats Unlimited Health

Cheats for Dude Theft Wars Unlimited Health Dude Theft Wars is a humorous, vibrant open-world multiplayer sandbox game with ragdoll physics that supports up to 16 players for multiplayer game modes, action-packed police chase scenes, a variety of vehicles to drive, weapons to use, and enjoyable activities to engage in.

Theft Wars cheat codes allow you to amp up the fun factor of this enjoyable game. These codes let you alter your size, defy gravity, or even modify the time of day, but unlike most games, they do not grant you access to free in-game products. Let’s get started! This article contains all of the PUBG New State Mobile Hipster Zombie Is Back! cheat codes that are active right now.

Dude Theft Wars Cheats Unlimited Health

Dude Theft Wars Cheats Unlimited Health
Dude Theft Cheats Unlimited Health

These are all currently active cheats for Dude Theft Wars and their results:

  • Moongravity – Redeem for an unknown reward.
  • Tinydudes – Redeem this code to make yourself small.
  • Giant dudes – Redeem this code to make yourself giant.
  • Heytaxi – Redeem this code to call cars toward you.
  • Nosforever – Redeem this code to increase the speed of the car.
  • Night – Redeem this code to make it a night.
  • How to purchase the new Royale Pass of PUBG Mobile
  • Evening – Redeem this code to make it an evening.
  • Dudebolt – Redeem for an unknown reward.

  • Popoplz – Redeem this code to get rid of the police.
  • Crowd 99 – Redeem this code to increase crowd size.
  • Day – Redeem this code to make it morning.
  • Suppahotslap – Redeem this code to get a special slap weapon.
  • Dudekong – Redeem this code to explode nearby cars.
  • Antdude – Redeem this code to go small like an ant.

Learn More: NEW STATE Mobile Survivor Pass VOL 17 Check out the rewards and more

Dude Theft Wars Cheats Unlimited Health
Dude Theft Wars Cheats Unlimited Health

Sadly, developers have disabled the cheat code for cash.

Frequently Asked Questions for Dude Theft Wars

Check out the parts below for simple explanations if you’re unsure how to utilize these cheat codes or have further inquiries about them.

How to Use Dude Theft Wars Cheat Codes

To utilize cheats in Dude Theft Wars, follow these simple instructions:


What exactly do Dude Theft Wars mean?

Grand Theft Auto, a well-known video game, and the act of car theft are both mentioned in Dude Theft Wars. The game is called Dude Theft Wars because it takes place in an open environment where you may do whatever you want, including killing and stealing.

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