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Ben Mendelsohn Just Made His Unexpected Star Wars Return

Ben Mendelsohn Just Made His Unexpected Star Wars Return
Ben Mendelsohn Just Made His Unexpected Star Wars Return

Ben Mendelsohn just returned to that galaxy far, far away in a Star Wars project few expected. The Secret Invasion star made his Star Wars debut back in 2016's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story as Imperial Director Orson Krennic.

Fans speculated the actor would reprise his role in Season 2 of Andor on Disney+. However, the ambitious Death Star architect's comeback arrived sooner than anticipated. 

Rogue One's Ben Mendelsohn Returns to Star Wars

Ben Mendelsohn just returned to that galaxy far, far away through animation instead of live-action. Daredevil Actress Breaks Silence on Her Recasting for MCU Reboot

Ben Mendelsohn Just Made His Unexpected Star Wars Return
Ben Mendelsohn Just Made His Unexpected Star Wars Return

For Star Wars: The Bad Batch's second season, Mendelsohn voiced his Rogue One villain, Director Orson Krennic, in Episode 15 titled "The Summit."

In the episode, Krennic attended a summit helmed by fellow Rogue One villain, Grand Moff Tarkin.

Ben Mendelsohn Just Made His Unexpected Star Wars Return
Ben Mendelsohn Just Made His Unexpected Star Wars Return

Following Doctor Hemlock's proposal concerning clone experiments, Tarkin turns to Krennic, saying, "Now, Commander Krennic, enlighten us on the status of Project Stardust." Why Marvel Studios’ X-Men Movie Is Taking So Long

Krennic, voiced by Mendelsohn, responds with "Yes, Governor Tarkin."

Ben Mendelsohn Just Made His Unexpected Star Wars Return
Ben Mendelsohn Just Made His Unexpected Star Wars Return

As Rogue One revealed, Project Stardust is the codename for the Empire's plans to create the Death Star. 

How Krennic's Cameo Connects Bad Batch to Andor

Given Andor's status as a Rogue One spin-off and one that will lead directly into the 2016 film, fans expected Ben Mendelsohn's return in live-action but not necessarily animation. However, his cameo makes perfect sense as the Empire was actively planning the Death Star at this point. 

Plus, it benefits the greater Star Wars canon in that The Bad Batch now has ties to just The Mandalorian and Rogue One but also Andor, especially since the Disney+ series Season 1 post-credits scene revealed the Death Star's construction. Janet’s Deleted Superpowers Revealed by Writer

But even so, odds are in favor of Mendelsohn making his live-action return in Andor Season 2, especially since the Disney+ series' second and final season leads into Rogue One

Not only does his Bad Batch cameo remind audiences of his character, but it also begs the question of whether fans should expect other Rogue One references and cameos in future seasons of the animated series. 

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch and Rogue One: A Star Wars Story are available to stream on Disney+. 

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