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WB Reportedly Eyeing People of Color for Lead Roles

WB Reportedly Eyeing People of Color for Lead Roles

A recent report suggests a potentially game-changing casting decision for one of the film's key actors as Warner Bros. embraces a new Harry Potter revival. Everyone was taken aback when Warner Bros. and Max (previously HBO Max) revealed that a Harry Potter series was in the works, replete with a brand-new cast and a ten-year plan to properly adapt the novels.

Die-hard fans' reactions to this news were divided, especially after it was claimed that J.K. Rowling, the contentious author of The Wizarding World, was on board with the relaunch. Blade reboot from Marvel Studios stars a rising horror star

Huge Shift Hinted at by Harry Potter Casting Rumor

According to Jeff Sneider, an insider in the entertainment industry, there is a "concerted attempt" to cast "more individuals of color" in the next Harry Potter revival series. This allegation was made in the most recent edition of the Hot Mic podcast. More particularly, Sneider pointed out that recruiting an actor of color for the role of Hermione would very well be at the top of the list.

The insider also said that "certain Harry Potter authors" who would be involved "may also be BIPOC." It's interesting to note that this isn't the first time a woman of color has been chosen to play Hermione.

In 2016, the role of Hermione was given to the black actress Noma Dumezweni in the two-part drama "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child." The casting was later defended by J.K. Rowling through The Guardian, who stated that "Norma was picked because she was the greatest actor for the position."
Although several readers noted that there are few details of the character's look that might've indicated her race, the author and creator of Harry Potter emphasized that Hermione's skin tone was never stated in the novels.

Initially, Warner Bros. was planning to develop a movie adaptation of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child with the original cast bound to return. However, bringing back Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson became a challenge due to the situation surrounding Rowling's anti-transgender remarks. 

HBO's Harry Potter Remake Allows More Representation

In the coming months and years, there will be plenty of speculation on which actors will be cast for the roles in the Harry Potter reboot. Warner Bros.' rumored desire to heavily include people of color could be a sign of the studio's push for more representation, and doing this with an iconic and popular franchise like Harry Potter is a fitting move. Katie Holmes, the ex-wife of Tom Cruise, claims she isn’t attractive. Katie Holmes Wants to Be More Than a “Sexy Young Thing”

Notwithstanding the controversy that the franchise's creator has to endure over the years, increasing the number of people of color in the reboot is a crucial step in making the Harry Potter series more diverse. In the meanwhile, HBO would be wise to cast novices as the three main protagonists.

Although there will always be comparisons to the original primary cast of Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint, there is still a potential that they will be remembered for their distinctive on-screen representations and long-form, multi-season narrative.

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We can only hope that the appropriate casting choices will be made. HBO Max has every Wizarding World film accessible for streaming.

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