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Another RP Prime membership as a team with Google Play will likewise be advertised. This incorporates both Prime (Rs 440) and Prime Plus (Rs 1,150), which can be bought into all the while and upholds month to month, quarterly, and yearly membership. Players will be given 300 or 900 RP Vouchers consistently,

PUBG Mobile has authoritatively empowered the Royal Pass for Season 14 'Flash the Flame.' The new season starts today which implies that you can now buy the Elite Royale Pass and get additional missions and prizes.

How To get free redeem code for pubg mobile 2022 new pubg update 2.2

As detailed before the new season brings fire and fire propelled in-game things and by the vibes of the trailer it appears to proceed with the entire Mad Max enlivened dystopian setting. 

The absolute most unmistakable in-game things incorporate the new Commander Set that can be updated as you progress, Rose Unicorn Helmet, and the Avian Tyrant set that opens at RP 100. To commend the second Anniversary of Royale Pass, the Roaring Dragon and Dragon Hunter-themed compensations from Season 5 will get back into the game.

alongside recovery limits and Airplane Ranking showcase advantages. Other than that there will be a united page for RP advantages, a RP Crate Luck Event with new rewards and a superior presentation of Airplane Ranking and other substance in-fight. Watch the video underneath for more
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