- Everyone wants to be the person that racks up 20 kills and walks out the victor, but the chances of that happening are pretty slim.
PUBG streamers who somehow manage to get more kills in one round than most do in an evening.) So in order to stay alive you should pick your battles.
That’s not to say you shouldn’t take any fights, but only pick battles you know you can win Once you start to hit the late game, different strategies start to come into play. The one that should keep you alive is to play on the edge of the circle and to run in with it. Staying on the edge means that the area you need to be aware of shrinks a lot. You know that a big portion of what's behind you is totally safe, so you only need to be aware of what is in front of you.
If you're in the middle then you have to keep eyes everywhere, which is not an easy task.
Vests are a little different to helmets in terms of usefulness, but as always an undamaged level three will always be better than a level two. In the late game,
if you plan to take a lot of fights then better durability is more important than high level. So a full health level two is better than a quarter health level three,
as it will last longer. If it’s down to the last few people, though, then the damaged level three should be the better option, as blocking more damage from one shot could be the difference between a win and a loss.
Once you start to hit the late game, different strategies start to come into play.
The one that should keep you alive is to play on the edge of the circle and to run in with it. Staying on the edge means that the area you need to be aware of shrinks a lot.